Instruction for Submitting DISE Data
- Treat this work as most important and submit the following at Room No 407, Fourth Floor, DAC Complex Kapurthala before 23/10/2023 .
- Submit the Hard Copies of the data entered in the DISE software as mentioned below.
- Employee Check List.
- Undertaking
- Print Summary.
- BLO, Handicapped and Long Leave employees of concerned departments should be marked clearly in the software while data entry and their proofs must be submitted along with the Undertaking Certificate. In case there is no option of a special case for any kind of exemption, like chronic disease or cancer patient etc. should be mentioned in the remarks column and proof of the same should also be submitted.
- Submit the DISE output folder (containing backup folder and lot file) in the CD/DVD only, no pen drive or flash drive will be accepted.
- The full and final complete data and all the hard copies of data will only be accepted in a single file cover, where CD/DVD should be in the cover also tagged with the same file.
- All the hard copies must be stamped and signed by the head of the department.
- Class IV employees’ data should not be entered in the software. Information regarding Class IV employees should be submitted in Excel Sheet having following columns:
Sr. No.
Name of Employee
Date of Birth
Date of Retirement
Address of Employee
Mobile No.
Hard and Soft copy of above Class IV employees’ information must be submitted in same CD/DVD.