NRI Corner
For Further Information :NRI Sabha
As per the modalities already approved by the Government in the Department of NRIs Affairs, Punjab will control the allocation and release of funds allocated in the Village Development Scheme NRI 2.35. A part of the annual outlay could be withdrawn and kept in a Nationalized bank to release matching grants to NRIs who take up development activities in rural areas in right earnest. This is being done to encourage more funds to flow into rural areas from overseas.
The Deputy Commissioner shall keep a ready panel of certified civil/public health/construction engineers who could be retired professionals. The Deputy Commissioner will ask certified engineer from the panel to check the detailed estimates prepared by the NRI NGO. Detailed estimates will be forwarded to the District Level Committee, namely, District NRI Committee for Development (DINRICD) (Annexure-III), headed by the Deputy Commissioner concerned. These projects would be put up to High Level Committee called the Punjab NRI Committee for Development (PUNRICD) headed by Chief Secretary, Punjab.
On clearance of the projects by PUNRICD, the Commissioner, NRI Affairs will transfer the funds (grants) to the concerned Deputy Commissioner. The NRI contribution should be available in the district. Thereafter the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District will deposit the Government share in a Nationalized Bank for making its further use for the completion of the project. PUNRICD will decide the quantum of the matching grant to be given to a particular project.
To ensure full ownership and subsequent responsibility of repair, maintenance of the infrastructure by the village community, the implementation of the scheme should carried out by NRI NGO subject to their capacity to handle the work technically, administratively and financially. Detailed norms have already been drawn up by the Department of NRI Affairs for implementation of such schemes which are being sanctioned and implemented by the Punjab NRI Committee for Development (PUNRICD).
Certified engineers (from the panel maintained by the concerned Deputy Commissioner) will provide technical assistance to the PUNRICD as well as to the District NRI Committee for Development (DINRICD) wherever required. The certified engineer will be paid an honorarium @2% of the total estimated cost of the project subject to the minimum of Rs. 2000/- (Rs. Two thousand only) and maximum of Rs. 20,000/- (Rs. Twenty thousand only) whichever is less. This expenditure will be met from the estimated cost of the projects and no separate budget provision will be made.
All funds spend by the Government as well as by the NRI/NGOs would be audited by a Chartered Accountant. The Deputy Commissioner will maintain a suitable panel of Chartered Accountants. The Chartered Accountant will be paid honorarium @1% of the project cost subject to the minimum of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One thousand only) and maximum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten thousand only) whichever is less. This expenditure will be met from the estimated cost of the projects and no separate budget provision will be made.
The PUNRICD headed by the Chief Secretary will decide the quantum of Government’s share. At least 50% contribution will be from the NRIs under this scheme. After the PUNRICD approves the projects, it will be executed and completed under the strict supervision of the concerned NRI/NGO. The NRI/NGO will spend its own money first:-
The NGO/NRI will spend 25% of the total cost of the project out of their own funds.
Apply to Deputy Commissioner for release of the 25% share out of the government funds & after its utilization.
The NGO will spend next 25% of the total cost of the project out of their own funds.
Then Deputy Commissioner will release the last 25% share out of the Government funds.
The Deputy Commissioner and the DINRICD would make efforts to complete the projects as soon as possible at least within a year from the date of release of funds. It will be the responsibility of the concerned Deputy Commissioner to send the completion report of the project to the PUNRICD. The interest accrued from the amount deposited in the bank shall be the part of the income of the project.
The concerned NRI/NGO will submit the details of accounts of expenditure to the DINRICD after getting it audited from the Chartered Accountant from the panel.
NRI NGOs will prepare the detailed estimate of the village development work which they wish to undertake in the concerned village.
These detailed estimates of a scheme will be forwarded to a Committee headed by the concerned Deputy Commissioner (DINRICD).
The Deputy Commissioner shall keep a ready panel of certified engineers. Deputy Commissioner will take the assistance of the engineers from the panel to examine and forward the project to Commissioner NRI Affairs with the recommendations of DINRICD. If necessary, a letter may be issued by Commissioner, NRI Affairs to the NRI/NGOs that the scheme would be considered by PUNRICD.
The CNRI may, if need be, ask certified engineer from the panel to check the detailed estimates prepared by the NRI/NGO.
These projects would be put up to High Level Committee, namely, the Punjab NRI Committee for Development (PUNRICD) headed by the Chief Secretary, Punjab for consideration and approval.
On clearance of the project by PUNRICD, the Commissioner NRI Affairs will transfer the funds (grants) to the concerned Deputy Commissioner.
The Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District will deposit the Government share in a nationalized bank in a specially maintained account for this project for making its further use for the completion of the project.
The NRI contribution should also be deposited in the same account in the district.
To ensure full ownership and subsequent responsibility of repair and maintenance of the infrastructure by the village community, the implementation of the scheme should be carried out by the village Panchayat or the NRI NGO concerned subject to their capacity to handle the work technically, administratively and financially.
Certified engineers (from the panel) will provide technical assistance to the PUNRICD as well as to the District NRI Committee for Development (DINRICD) wherever required.
All funds spent by the Government as well as by the NRI/NGOs would be audited by a Chartered Accountant. The Deputy Commissioner shall maintain a panel of suitable Chartered Accountants.
After the PUNRICD approves the project, it will executed and completed under the strict supervision of the concerned NRI/NGO. The NRI/NGO will spend its own money first:
The NGO/NRI will spend 25% of the total cost of the project out of their own funds.
Apply to Deputy Commissioner for release of the 25% share out of the government funds & after its utilization.
The NGO will spend next 25% of the total cost of the project out of their own funds.
Then Deputy Commissioner will release the last 25% share out of the Government funds.
The funding & disbursement for the low cost sewerage schemes shall as in the case of projects under the VDF (copy attached).
The concerned NRI/NGO will submit the details of accounts of expenditure to the PUNRICD after getting it audited from the Chartered Accountant (on the panel).
It will be the prerogative of the Department of NRI Affairs to inspect the standard and quality and progress of any ongoing project together with accounts as and when the department feels so. The guidelines can be amended modified at any point of time with the prior approval of the PUNRICD as mentioned above.